Singapore said yesterday: "our proposal and interest in China Eastern is unchanged, as is our position that the price offered is a full and fair representation of the proposed transaction." 新航昨日表示:“我们的提议及对东航的兴趣没有改变,我们的立场也没有变,仍然认为出价是对计划交易全面而公平的反映。”
Working for people's benefits is the fundamental position of the "representation of three advanced aspects" 为人民谋利益是“三个代表”的根本定位
Because it is suspended in a hanging position, it takes on the representation of all life suspended between heaven and earth. 因为钟常被悬挂着,于是它代表了所有悬浮于天空和大地之间的生命。
This interest though does not stem from a particular ideological position, but rather from an interest in images of collective memory, in the representation of history and ideology itself. 他对历史、政治没有受到特定意识型态影响,却对可以唤醒集体记忆的影像特别感兴趣,藉以传达历史和意识形态的再现。
The Effect of Object Position and Identity on Human Spatial Representation 物体位置和个体特征在人脑空间表征中的作用
The method includes adjustment of the position and orientation of assembling element to satisfy the confirmed constraint and analysis of the constraint status by using constraint matrix based DOF representation and reduction. 其次研究了约束求解方法对装配件的空间位姿进行调整,使之满足建立的装配约束,同时基于约束矩阵进行运动自由度的表达和归约,分析待装配件的约束状态;
To describe the relative position and orientation of objects within the image, hue edges in the image, computed using Canny approach, are processed by Radon transformation to generate the spatial histogram which is used as shape representation. 为了描述图像中对象的位置及方向特征,首先计算图像的色度轮廓并对其进行Radon变换,然后计算相应的空间直方图.贫验结果和模拟象符合的较好。企业形象研究;
Concerning the system of N particles in three dimensions space, besides position and momentum representations the Boson number representation has been introduced. 对三维空间中N个粒子系统除位置与动量二表象外,引出了一种玻色子数表象。
The result shows that calcuation in the discrete position representation has characters of the simplicity and effectuation. 结果表明,分立位置表象法是处理双原子分子振动问题的一种简单而有效的方法。
The computation of the vibrational energy levels and wave functions of li_2 in the discrete position representation 锂分子低电子态振动能级和波函数的计算
Words and pictures for the representation of implicit Spatial position were different. Words activated such representation earlier than Pictures, and have a longer duration. 图片和词汇对于隐含空间位置的表征存在差异,词汇比图片更早的激活这种表征,持续的时间更长。
Meanwhile, the syntactic position of modal adverbs is also influenced by subjectivity strength, semantic representation and inter-subjectivity. 语气副词的句法位置受主观性强弱、语义表达、交互主观性等方面的影响。
First of all, the changes of representation are based on the change of subject and subjectivity, and the position of the subject relate to the ownership of the representation. 具体来说,首先,音乐表征的变迁基于主体和主体性的变化,而主体的定位又与主体对表征的话语权力的掌握程度有关。
Shanxi Province occupies the middle area from the geographical position, the economy also occupies national the middle and lower reaches, to a certain extent has certain representation, its implementation, the operational practice are what kind of? 山西省从地理位置上处在中部地区,经济也处在全国的中下游,在一定程度上具有一定的代表性,其贯彻、执行情况到底怎么样?是笔者研究的目的所在。